My Super Heroes
Asher is currently going through a super hero phase and I find it so timely. Right now when we all need a hero he has stepped up to the plate and served as the protector of my metaphorical heart. He has kept me safe from harm and proved to me that there is good in the world when everything seems so dark. His infectious laugh, his imagination, his strength and compassion are truly that of a super hero. Daily I remind myself that he came first for a reason. I couldn't do this without him. He is my reason to be strong, the reason I can't crumble.
Asher loves his little brother so much. Every day he shows me that. Whether it's drawing a picture at school or telling me that "when Finnegan comes home he can use the little potty and I will use the big potty" it is clear that his brother is on his mind. One time in the hospital when saying goodnight to Finnegan, Asher asked me about when he was a baby in the hospital. My soul shattered. He thinks this is what happens to babies. That he too went through this. I don't know how you are supposed to explain this to a child but I do my best. I want to be honest, embrace his curiosity but also protect him from the horrors that are now part of Finn's life. Figuring out that balance is difficult. We all just want Finnegan to come home, to play with his brother, to sleep in his crib and to snuggle in his family's arms.
This morning at transplant rounds there was a lot of discussion around Finn's lungs. Historically he had issues with the left side due to compression of his massive heart. As expected his new heart quickly alleviated that problem. His lungs looked relatively good post transplant. We actually saw air around where his heart laid in his chest for the first time. How wonderful! After the bought with rejection last week they seemed to take a hit. The streaks on this x-ray weren't promising and he was showing areas of collapse. Increases ventilator support was not making the difference it should. The CT scan showed what we expected and didn't give much more insight. The bronch however retrieved some blood in his right upper lobe which didn't feel good to the doctors. It could very well be an infection but it could be something more. Shoot, it could be (and most likely is) both.
For now, we are treating the infection more aggressively. There are, as always, risks to the new antibiotics and so Finn will be continuously monitored as this antibiotic will attack the only part of the immune system that we have allowed him to keep with his rejection. Therefore he will be even more immuno-compromised. He gets labs daily so we should be able to watch for complications. I can only hope that this helps him recover. The breathing tube is our biggest struggle and we have to get it out.
This is no life for a baby. This is no life for anyone. Finn looks at me longingly, almost to say "why don't you just pick me up mommy?" His eyes are cloudy and distant because of the sedation he requires. His movements are limited as they don't want him to pull his ET tube out (he's done it before) and he is weak from being deconditioned. It takes two nurses to flip him from side-to-side every few hours. I read to him, sing to him and rub his sweet head. I shower him in kisses and take the socks off his hands so that he can stretch is long fingers out. I hurt so badly because this is not what he should endure. I had such wonderful plans for this child. A full life of love and happiness. He needs to get better. We got him his heart, that was supposed to help. How is it that we feel further behind than when we started? I know we aren't but in some ways it appears that way.
I truly believe in my soul that Super Finnegan can rise above and make it through all of the problems he's faced. That these tears of sadness will be replaced with tears of joy. That we will have more 1/2 birthdays to celebrate at our little kitchen table. That my Batman and Superman will save me from this terrible despair. Finnegan will rise, he will conquer and he will fight. He has such purpose and has touched so many lives. This is merely another giant bump in the road to happiness.
July 27th, 2017
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